Advance Care Planning Tips

The Importance of POLST and Healthcare Power of Attorney in Hospice Care

Facing the reality of end-of-life care is never easy, but advance care planning ensures that your wishes are honored and your loved ones are spared from making difficult decisions without guidance. One of the crucial aspects of this process is understanding the Pre-Hospital Medical Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) and having a designated healthcare power of attorney, especially in a home setting.

Hospice care focuses on comfort, dignity, and quality of life, making clear directives even more vital. You need to know about advance care planning and how POLST and a healthcare power of attorney can help you and your family navigate this journey with clarity and peace of mind.

What Is POLST?

POLST is a legal document that articulates your medical treatment preferences in emergencies. Unlike other advance directives, POLST is designed for individuals with serious illnesses and is particularly useful in guiding healthcare providers during emergencies, ensuring that your desires are respected immediately.

POLST can address various healthcare decisions, such as:

- Whether you wish to receive life-sustaining treatments like CPR or artificial ventilation.

- Your preferences regarding pain management and comfort care.

- Specific instructions about resuscitation efforts or hospitalization.

For those in hospice care, having a POLST ensures that any medical interventions align with the goals of comfort and dignity rather than focusing on aggressive treatments that may not enhance the quality of life.

Why Advance Care Planning Is Important

Many families face difficult decisions when a loved one is in hospice, and not having clear instructions can create emotional distress and uncertainty. By taking the time to plan, you can maintain control over your care, reduce stress for loved ones, prevent unnecessary treatments, and ensure your hospice experience is as peaceful as possible.

The Role of Healthcare Power of Attorney

A healthcare power of attorney is a person you designate to make medical decisions on your behalf if you cannot do so. This individual is vital in upholding your wishes, especially in complex or urgent situations.

Steps to Advance Care Planning with POLST and Healthcare Proxy

1. Reflect on Your Values and Wishes: Consider comfort and dignity. Decide about treatment preferences in emergencies, pain management, and interventions.

2. Talk to Your Loved Ones: Discuss your healthcare goals and preferences with family members and caregivers. Openly express what matters most to you.

3. Choose a Healthcare Power of Attorney: Select someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf. Ensure they understand your wishes and are willing to advocate for you.

4. Complete the POLST Form: Work with your healthcare provider to complete the POLST form accurately. Ensure it reflects your current health status and treatment preferences.

5. Document and Share Your Advance Directives: Keep copies of your POLST and power of attorney documentation in easily accessible places. Share them with your doctor, hospice team, and family members.

6. Review and Update as Needed: Life circumstances and health conditions change, so review your advance care planning documents periodically.

How Hospice Supports Advance Care Planning

Hospice teams are experienced in helping families navigate end-of-life care decisions with compassion and expertise. They can facilitate family discussions about healthcare preferences, provide guidance on pain management and symptom relief, help understand and complete POLST and other legal requirements, and offer emotional and spiritual support to patients and families.

At the heart of hospice care is the belief that everyone deserves to spend their final days in peace, comfort, and dignity, surrounded by loved ones. By having a POLST and a healthcare power of attorney in place, you can ensure that your care aligns with these values.

Final Thoughts: Plan Today for Peace Tomorrow

Advance care planning isn't about giving up hope; it's about ensuring that your wishes are honored and that your family can focus on love and connection rather than making difficult medical decisions in times of stress. Understanding and utilizing POLST empowers you to control your care while providing comfort and clarity to those around you.

If you or a loved one are considering hospice care, now is the time to start this conversation. Talk with your family, consult your hospice provider, and take the necessary steps to express your healthcare preferences clearly.


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